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Copy/Paste Special not working in ArcPro 3.2.2

05-09-2024 11:02 AM
New Contributor III

Using ArcPro 3.2.2 and the copy/paste special feature stopped working.  It worked fine yesterday.  No changes that I am aware of.  Copying a feature and pasting into the same feature class.  Also, copying text from a cell from Excel and into the attribute table does not work either.  Copying a cell from the attribute table into another, not working.  Am I missing something?

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2 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

@MGT8C2U . Silly question, but do you have the map as the active window when you're selecting the paste function? If you select a feature in the attribute table and select copy, the paste special will be greyed out, because you didn't copy and paste when the map window is the active window, but when the attribute table is active(important that copy is also clicked when the map window is active)

..Maps with no limits..
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New Contributor III

I was able to get the Copy/Paste special to work after saving project to a new file.  But still having issues copying and pasting cells in attribute table, and copying data in Excel into the Attribute table.  It comes in like this:

<ArcGIS Type="Editing"><ArrayOfPropertySet xsi:type='typens:ArrayOfPropertySet' xmlns:xsi='</Bytes><SpatialReference xsi:type='typens:GeographicCoordinateSystem'><WKT>GEOGCS[&quot;GCS_NAD_1983_2011

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