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Coordinate Table to Polygon still throwing "index out of range" error

10-19-2023 06:59 AM
Labels (3)
Emerging Contributor

Every so often I need to create a handful of polygons from a csv containing points.  Back before we shifted to 3.0, the tool "Coordinate Table to Polygon" in the Defense Tools "Conversion" toolbox used to work A-OK.  I'm running Pro 3.0 on a work computer (heavily restricted environment) and have yet to give up and run it on Pro 3.1.3 on my personal machine.  Regardless, the tool still throws the following error no matter how many tricks I try to make it work:

Coordinate Table To Polygon

Input Table C:\Users\AEAdams1\Downloads\NOAA_Concerns_NPRM.csv
Output Polygon Feature Class D:\ArcGIS Projects\NPRM-CPAPARS\Default.gdb\CUsersAEAdams1DownloadsNOAA_Concerns_NPRM_Coord

X Field (Longitude, UTM, MGRS, USNG, GARS, GeoRef) GIS_Long

put Coordinate Format DD_2
Y Field (Latitude) GIS_Lat
Line Grouping Field Sort Field
Sort Field
Output Coordinate System GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]];-400 -400 1000000000;-100000 10000;-100000 10000;8.98315284119521E-09;0.001;0.001;IsHighPrecision

Start Time: Thursday, October 19, 2023 9:32:13 AM
File "c:\public\arcgis-installation\Resources\ArcToolbox\Scripts\", line 885, in tableToPolygon

IndexError: list index out of range
Failed to execute (PointsToLine).

IndexError: list index out of range
Failed to execute (PointsToLine).

Failed to execute (CoordinateTableToPolygon).
Failed at Thursday, October 19, 2023 9:32:20 AM (Elapsed Time: 6.82 seconds)

I found this community post from someone else who is experiencing the same issue. The only engagement on that post was from me, the last time I tried to use the tool and it wouldn't work, throwing the same error. <argh>

The table is saved as a CSV in UTF-8 format.  These are the points (attached below as well):

Barnegat to Narragansett Fairway139.88609-73.8892
Barnegat to Narragansett Fairway139.96047-73.6735
Barnegat to Narragansett Fairway140.04012-73.4425
Barnegat to Narragansett Fairway140.15029-73.1803
Barnegat to Narragansett Fairway140.16023-73.1144
Barnegat to Narragansett Fairway140.80141-71.9909
Barnegat to Narragansett Fairway141.04741-71.4851
Barnegat to Narragansett Fairway141.03637-71.3036
Barnegat to Narragansett Fairway140.34227-72.034
Barnegat to Narragansett Fairway140.02546-72.9814
Barnegat to Narragansett Fairway139.92054-73.2952
Barnegat to Narragansett Fairway139.80587-73.6381
Barnegat to Narragansett Fairway139.71534-73.9088
Barnegat to Ambrose Precautionary Area239.88609-73.8892
Barnegat to Ambrose Precautionary Area239.96047-73.6735
Barnegat to Ambrose Precautionary Area239.80587-73.6381
Barnegat to Ambrose Precautionary Area239.71534-73.9088
Hudson Canyon to Ambrose Precautionary Area340.04012-73.4425
Hudson Canyon to Ambrose Precautionary Area340.15029-73.1803
Hudson Canyon to Ambrose Precautionary Area340.02546-72.9814
Hudson Canyon to Ambrose Precautionary Area339.92054-73.2952
Off Delaware Bay to New Jersey Connector Fairway438.32868-74.5105
Off Delaware Bay to New Jersey Connector Fairway438.7408-74.5554
Off Delaware Bay to New Jersey Connector Fairway438.82998-74.5651
Off Delaware Bay to New Jersey Connector Fairway439.02055-74.5859
Off Delaware Bay to New Jersey Connector Fairway439.10368-74.5004
Off Delaware Bay to New Jersey Connector Fairway439.02799-74.5009
Off Delaware Bay to New Jersey Connector Fairway438.82982-74.479
Off Delaware Bay to New Jersey Connector Fairway438.74064-74.4691
Off Delaware Bay to New Jersey Connector Fairway438.35111-74.4264


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MVP Esteemed Contributor


It works, but I am on Beta 3.2, so if there was a bug, then it has been fixed.  I find no bug report on the support site.

So have a look at the inputs that I used for the tool to compare.  I used an new empty map and sent the result to a file gdb.

Good luck... also there is polygon overlap in 1, 2, 3 which I assume you know.

... sort of retired...
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