If I have curved polyline (Roads) and Polygons.. and I need to convert them from 2D to 3D based on the height field in the attribute table.. Are there any specific rules I need to take into consideration?
Usually I am using this tool: Feature to 3D by attribute (3D Analysis tool), and its work for classic polylines and points.. but now I am dealing with Roads infrastructure file and it has many polygons and curved lines and center lines too..
Is this tool will work normally for all these feature types?
I am working on geodatabase file, and I am using Arc GIS Pro 3.2
@MaryamAlHefeiti your main consideration is that each feature in your feature class(es) will be elevated to a constant height based on the attribute for each feature. this may be fine for your requirements, but consider that each feature will see a vertical gap between it's connecting features.
An alternative approach to attribute-based 3D conversion, would be to use the "Interpolate Shape" tool, which drapes the features over a surface raster. this would create a smoother transition between features, and the features themselves would also have a variable z component across them