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Contingent Value Workflow to Display All Values by Default Rather Than Field Group Category

01-08-2024 03:07 PM
Emerging Contributor

Hi everyone,

I am trying to experiment with using Contingent Value workflows for the first time and have a question if I am doing this the right way.

I have a domain set up on a feature class with entitled Program, with different types of program types such as:

Active Transportation

Capital Project


Street Activities

Traffic Calming

I also have domains set up for design_lead (Engineers):


Sam Smith

Brian Smith

and g_designer (Geometric Designers):


Selena Gomez

Shaquille O'Neal

I want to set up contingent values in that any time a user creates a project polygon and selects Traffic Calming from the drop down selection under 'Program', a group of Traffic Calming Engineers and Traffic Calming Designers are selectable. I have another two fields entitled design_lead (Engineers) and g_designer (Geometric Designers). I have added in the relevant Traffic Calming Engineers and Traffic Calming Designers into the domain list for both design_lead and g_designer.

I have then set up the field group, "Traffic Calming" with the program, design_lead and g_designer fields, and set up contingent values on different variations to test:


It seems to work when add a new polygon this way, however when I try to select another program type, the itnerface just looks strange at first glance to me.

For example, I select Active Transprotation from the domain for Program, but when it comes to choosing the Engineer of Record, the drop down only shows Traffic Calming (Field Group). Can I default it so that it will show the 'Show All' list since I did not select 'Traffic Calming' as the Program? This means every time a user selects another type of program, they'll have to choose '<Show All>' in order to select their Engineer of Record and Geometric Designer?



Would this be the correct workflow, or would there be a better one to accomplish the workflow indicated while still ensuring if a user selects another program type (i.e. Active Transportation), that it isn't confusing for the end user?


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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

The 'Traffic Calming' string you highlighted is the name of the Field Group.  If you add a row to the field group:

program = Active Transportation

design_lead = ANY

g_designer = ANY

does this help?  I believe what is happening is that you did not add Active Transportation to the field group. 

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