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Classify power lines with deep learning

10-06-2023 08:51 AM
Labels (3)
Emerging Contributor
Hello, I have Arcgis Pro version 3.1.3 and I have the library installed to perform deeplearning.

I have an error specifically with the "Prepare point cloud training data" tool, in this tool the input data is loaded next to its boundary, then the validation data next to its boundary, also its MDT and its limits.

The input and validation data are in lasdataset, when running the tool I get an error which is "050176" and specifies that:

The class codes in the training data do not match the class codes in the validation data


If there is any way to correct it, it would help me a lot, thank you.


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1 Reply
Esri Contributor


I consulted a PE who maintains this tool. He would like to share the following: 

It is a warning message reporting that the training data and the validation data have different class codes within their boundaries. You can ignore this warning because you can remap the class codes in the training tool.

In the Train Point Classification Model tool > Class Remapping, you can remap class codes 5 and 15 to 1.

If you prefer not to see the warning message, you can use the Change LAS Class Codes tool to change the training data's class codes 5 and 15 to 1.



Pavan Yadav
Product Engineer at Esri
AI for Imagery
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