I have a script that updates the elevation property for all the Feature Classes.
m = p.listMaps('Map1')[0]
l = m.listLayers()[0]
l_cim = l.getDefinition('V2')
for l in m.listLayers():
l_cim = l.getDefinition('V2')
# Set the layer elevation to relative to ground based on Z values
l_cim.featureElevationExpression="$feature.Max Alt_FT_AGL"
#Push the changes back to the layer
When I do layer to KML (uncheck Clamped features to ground) for single feature classes the elevation transfers over to Google Earth. When I group the layers (and make no changes) and then layer to KML the group (uncheck Clamped features to ground), I lose the elevation.
Is there a fix for this?