WHen I use Archie's pro 2.2, it support Chinese font if I change the language option. However, arcgis pro 2.3 does not support any Chinese font so it is so unconvenient to our Chinese characters in layout. Any way I can import Chinese font to arc gis pro?
Language options—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop
Is it just that the language pack isn't available yet for ArcGIS Pro 2.3?
It isn't there... I checked as well
Yeah, I guess that was a question I knew the answer to So the real question for Ke Wang is whether you had the Chinese language pack installed for Pro 2.2... If so, you're just experiencing this change because the LP isn't out yet for 2.3. It should be soon.
@Kory Kramer, I am creating a teaching package with Pro 2.4, and can't find the Korean, Russian, Hebrew, traditchinese, simplifchinese, and Arabic LP as available for 2.3. Should we expect a release before the Fall semester? Thanks!
I don't have an exact date right now, but we typically see the language packs available roughly 2 1/2 - 3 months after the release. ArcGIS Pro 2.4 was released June 27th.
I've just been informed that the target date (not guaranteed, but the planned date) is August 20th.
This is very helpful, Kory. I appreciate you took the time to check the latest info, and your willingness to share a date even if it is not confirmed.
Kory Kramer promised delivered! The language packages are ready to download. Thank you, and please thank the language dev team.