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Can't add basemaps

11-02-2017 11:51 PM
Deactivated User

I'm really hoping someone can help me with this.

I am able to sign in to ArcGIS online, but after signing in the 'ArcGIS Online' option below is still greyed out. What is odd is that the 'Add Basemap' under 'Add Data' is not greyed out, but when I click on it nothing happens. The 'Add data from ArcGIS online' below that is greyed out though. I am currently running ArcGIS 10.5.1. I have run a connection test and get the following results:

Proxy Server Test - Passed
No proxy server.

Download Speed Test - Passed
Average download speed 16 kb per second. Rating Bad

Network Latency Test - Undetermined
Reason Unknown.

Network Route Test - Failed
Reason Unknown.

Does the problem lie here somewhere?


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4 Replies
MVP Alum
Deactivated User

I followed point 5. and I am able to add the service successfully, which means the problem is with the 'Add Basemap' command itself... Not too sure what to do now. It looks like I can add basemaps manually, like this, so I guess this will do. Thanks for the help

MVP Alum
  • Try adding the following sites to the Trusted sites of Internet Explorer.

1. *

2. *

3. *

  • Also check if the antivirus is creating any issue (Disable Antivirus temporarily. Restart ArcMap. Check if the issue persists).
  • Navigate to

      C:\\Users\<CurrentUserName>\Appdata\Roaming\ESRI\DesktopXX.X\ArcMap\Templates.Rename Normal.mxt to Normal_old.mxt

  • Restart ArcMap.

I am glad that at least one workaround is working.

Think Location
Frequent Contributor

I am suddenly having problems with adding base maps in ArcGIS Pro 2.0.1 as well.  The basemap icon in the ribbon is greyed out.  I am able to log into arcgisonline through ArcGIS Pro, as well as add data from arcgisonline (living atlas / portal).  The basemap icon used to allow me to switch between the base maps in the map, nothing.

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