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Calculating field count of attribute type for dynamic text using arcade in ArcGIS Pro

02-23-2024 12:45 PM
Emerging Contributor

Hello! I'm hoping someone could help me out with this.

I'm attempting to use dynamic text to show the different counts I have of specific attribute values in a field for each page in my map series.

The field I am using is Size.

I have different sizes for this field in my attributes I would like to get a count of.

I attempted to use the distinct Values dynamic text but that could only give me the size names.

When I try to use the Count table statistics, it just gives me the count of all the Sizes regardless of their attribute value.

I would like for the Size names and counts to show if possible. 

Thank you!!

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1 Reply
Frequent Contributor

Can you show an example of how the data looks in the table and what you would like the output to look like?

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