BUG?: Multiple Dynamic Text box error in ArcGIS PRO Layout

08-08-2018 10:57 AM
New Contributor III


I've been experiencing problems utilizing multiple dynamic text boxes in a layout in ArcGIS PRO 2.2.1 with Map Series Pages. I've been able to create several of dynamic boxes, but if I don't save the project after creating each dynamic text box problems arise (and this leads me to wonder if other changes I make in Pro projects are properly obligated/saved...). When I try to create a new or modify a dymamic text box, it pops up with the last dynamic text boxes code. Sometimes I can change it and it appears to work for a while until I want to make another modification or save and reopen the project layout.

NOW, When I save the project after adding each dynamic text box it does appear to works! Perhaps there is a way to commit changes in the text box dialog box, but would have expected the changes to save automatically. 

Feel free to give me feedback.

THIS DOES NOT WORK (pretty much adding more than one dynamic text box will give unexpected behavior)

(1) Create a dynamic text box for page name. Place on layout.

            Page: <dyn type="page" property="name"/>

(2) Create another dynamic text box for an attribute you want to show from the Map Series Page index. Insert->Dynamic Text->Attribute-> {select attribute from list given; used GenArea for my map}. Now the text reads just like in (1) and if you change it to

            General Area: <dyn type="page" property="attribute" field="GenArea"/>

at some point it will change to Page: <dyn type="page" property="name"/> or another dynamic field you previously created. 


(1) Create a dynamic text box for page name. Place on layout. SAVE PROJECT

            Page: <dyn type="page" property="name"/>

(2) Create another dynamic text box for an attribute you want to show from the Map Series Page index. Insert->Dynamic Text->Attribute-> {select attribute from list given; used GenArea for my map}. Place on layout SAVE PROJECT

            General Area: <dyn type="page" property="attribute" field="GenArea"/>

(3) Create another dynamic text box for an attribute you want to show from the Map Series Page index. Use a page number attribute field called "MapNUM". Place on layout. SAVE PROJECT

             Page: <dyn type="page" property="attribute" field="MAPNUM"/>

(4) Close ArcGIS PRO and reopen Project

16 Replies
MVP Frequent Contributor

I have seen similar behavior in 2.2.1 when I was converting our existing Arc Map Templates to Pro Layout Styles, and thought it was a byproduct of my hatred of making layouts. I will work with Kevin on getting a reproducible case submitted, as this seems to happen to a few folks. 

The workaround is to take focus off the dyn text element to another element, then back to the dyn text element. 

0 Kudos
Esri Regular Contributor


Thanks for the input!  You've given me another avenue to investigate.


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MVP Frequent Contributor

Case 02164022

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MVP Honored Contributor

Any follow up with this?

I'm not sure if this is the same issue but I cannot see multiple dynamic text strings in a text box in a Report in ArcGIS Pro 2.4.1

(my string looks like this= <dyn type="report" property="field-value" field="OWNER_CITY"/>, <dyn type="report" property="field-value" field="OWNER_STATE"/> <dyn type="report" property="field-value" field="OWNER_ZIP"/>)

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MVP Frequent Contributor

BUG-000116049 In an ArcGIS Pro layout, the second dynamic text added retains the properties of the first dynamic text within the Element pane. 

Is shown as implemented. 

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Esri Regular Contributor


As Thomas states above, BUG-000116049 has been addressed. The fix is available in ArcGIS Pro version 2.3. It is quite possible that you are running into a similar, but different, bug. I believe the issue you are running into is...

BUG-000123849 Reports: Support more than one field value in dynamic text string.


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MVP Honored Contributor

 yep, you nailed it...

BUG-000123849: In ArcGIS Pro, exporting a report to PDF displays on.. 

It's definitely that bug.

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