Hi all,
I am trying to calculate the weighted mean of a line geometry within the attribute rules. The lines represent a road network with different roads, and each of these roads is further divided into different parts. Each of these parts has a certain condition value, which tells in which condition this section is. Now I want to calculate the condition of the individual roads, and for this I need the weighted mean of the condition (calculated along the individual roads).
I have already tried a few things, but I can't get any further on my own. And as far as I know, there is no easier way to calculate the weighted mean than doing every single step individually. Here is the version of my last try:
\\ First I stored the different attributes on different variables and I also created empy variables:
var zust = FeatureSetByName($datastore, "Street_Conditions", ["INDEXI1"]);
var lngth = FeatureSetByName($datastore, "Street_Conditions", ["Shape_Length"]);
var expr = ''
var wght = ''
var sum_wght = ''
var sum_lngth =''
\\ Then I created a if-else statment, for my calculations in case, that there are zero-values within the different street values and calculated the individual steps of the weighted mean
if (zust == 0 || lngth == 0)
{expr = 'no value'}
wght = (zust*lngth)
sum_wght = Number(Sum(wght))
sum_lngth = Number(Sum(lngth))
expr = (sum_wght/sum_lngth)
return expr
Many thanks for your help.