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Attribute Editing

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Emerging Contributor

I need some assistance with how to edit a few attributes. I did a calculate field process that worked, but it duplicated some of my values in the process. I am editing some data in relation to streets and street types, so some of my values now have duplicated street type information. What are a few ways I can go about editing this? I am working on this through ArcGIS Pro.



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MVP Regular Contributor

Looks like your field calculator was something like NAME + " " + TYPE? You'll notice that 905th Park Rd for example already has Rd in the NAME field, so when you tacked on TYPE, you got two "Rd"s. Depending on how big your dataset is, you might want to sort through and remove those. You could do a Select By Attribute NAME LIKE '%RD' which will highlight all instances where there is text where the last two characters are RD. Then just change for all your different street types.

Happy mapping,
- Zach
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