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Associating the visibility of a layer with its corresponding annotation feature class in ArcGIS Pro

01-31-2024 10:20 PM
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Occasional Contributor

ArcGIS Pro does not seem to have the same behaviour as ArcGIS 10.3, with regard to toggling the visibility on/off (simultaneously), of a layer and its corresponding annotation.

I have 2 layers in the table of contents for a map in ArcGIS Pro 3.0.

One layer is a geodatabase feature class of Polygons. The other layer is the annotation feature class (from the same geodatabase) that is annotating the polgons.

In previous ArcMap 10.x, when un-ticking (turning off visibilty) of a layer in the TOC, its corresponding annotation layer would also be automatically turned off. This property was set in the annotation layer's display properties dialog (See attached screen shot). This functionality does not appear to exist with ArcGIS Pro.



Am I correct or is there another way to do this ?


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4 Replies
Frequent Contributor

I don’t have an immediate answer about setting up the annotation’s properties but I believe you could group the annotations layer and the annotations on polygons together, and then toggle off the group layer. May not be the best answer, but it’s an answer.

Also, depending upon how your annotations were created, maybe being linked to the features (if they’re not already) would provide the functionality you’re looking for?

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Occasional Contributor

Thanks Eugene for that, it's a good work-around but it does seem like that functionality is not directly provided in ArcGIS Pro.

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Esri Notable Contributor

I'm not seeing this in ArcGIS Pro 3.2.x either and do not see an enhancement request in Esri Support Services either.  I would recommend calling Esri Support Services to create an Enhancement request and also add this to ArcGIS Ideas for the ArcGIS Pro community as well.

Occasional Contributor

Thanks Robert, will do.