Using ArcGIS Pro 3.2 for FMV Video Multiplexer.
Using the .csv metadata the multiplexer does not produce a video giving warnings that TimeStamps overlap. And this is not true, because examining the hex format is clear that the full Timestamp is saved in number format, contains many digits, and consecutive values do not overlap. Why is the multiplexer not functioning with this file, but it does with the example in the tutorial, that looks similar format for Timestamp.
Please can someone help me figuring out this, because I don't feel I can make a relevant report for this product considering this inconsistency.
Thank you,
Doina Petrescu
You seem to be one of the few posting questions related to Video Multiplexer
I assume you have seen the image analyst documentation
Video Multiplexer (Image Analyst)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
If it is a trial that you are performing then it may be wise to contact tech support or your local rep.
You may wish to examine the Image Analyst Community space to see if there is any pertinent information there.
ArcGIS Image Analyst - Esri Community