ArcGIS Pro Trace Tool

04-01-2020 02:33 PM
Frequent Contributor

Has anyone had any problems getting the trace tool to actually trace features?  I have a layer of parcels that I want to trace and a layer of subdivisions that I want to create by tracing parcels.  Usually you just click the layer you want to trace and it starts tracing.  Anyone else having similar problems  The two layers are selectable and both have snapping enabled, but nothing traces once you start tracing.  Any ideas or troubleshooting steps out there?  

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21 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Did you ever figure out what was wrong? I'm having the exact same issue.

Occasional Contributor

Same here... It was working for about 2 hours, then just decided it didn't want to anymore. I noticed that the editing ribbon, create pane, and quick toolbar are not always in sync when I select from either or. Incredibly frustrating for it to suddenly stop functioning. Same selections, as original poster... Only selectable layer is the one I want to trace. removing other layers doesn't help either, and if it did that would make the job a little harder, being unable to reference layers. My personal solution is to use ArcMap instead, but that is not sustainable. Forgot to mention... ArcGIS Pro stalls out often using this function. 

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Frequent Contributor

I think this only happens to me when I'm remoting into another machine and running Pro on the remote machine. Usually closing Pro and reopening it works to fix it, and it doesn't happen often enough for me to stop using this work pattern. I want to say that my local machine has better capabilities and I don't think it's ever happened on it. Suffice it to say, I have experienced a Pro map get corrupted where tracing never worked again, but if I created a new map it worked fine. I just don't like having to do that all the time, ugh.

Occasional Contributor

I'm on my actual PC and using a FGDB to create/edit, because it has a little less issues that way. But certainly not a solution nor suggested as a workaround

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Frequent Contributor

Out of curiousity, does your PC have a dedicated video card that meets Pro recommended specs? Mine does, and I wonder if that has anything to do with me not experiencing it on my laptop but I do on the remote machine which doesn't.

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Occasional Contributor

Hello Alex,

Thank you for your patience, I didn't notice your reply until just now... Yes, my video card is good to go. I actually updated the drivers just to be on the safe side. UPDATE: I have upgraded to 3.0 & used Trace again the other day. It seems to be working better now for me. 

Occasional Contributor

Two years on, this feature is still buggy. Very frustrating!

Occasional Contributor

Agreed, having to close my map and open it several times is a huge pain and slows down progress tremendously. Its soo hard not to go back to ArcMap sometimes...

Occasional Contributor

I've actually had to go to ArcMap a couple times but then again the editing environment in Pro is way better. I found a workaround, which can get frustrating (but better than closing and opening up Pro every other minute)—I just selected whatever I wanted to trace. Somehow that worked every time (of course other than enabling tracing of selected features in the Trace Options).

Frequent Contributor

I started a similar topic after some discussions at the UC.  The general solution may be contained in my last reply