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ArcGIS Pro - Symbology / Unique values and size

11-11-2018 01:19 AM
New Contributor


I have this point feature class:

I am trying to symbolize the points in this way:

Color - unique values from the color_vary field.

Size - size from the num_count field.

I did it like this:

It looks ok:

However, in arcmap I am able to classify the sizes:

How can i do it in ArcGIS Pro?

In the size range scale i cannot find a way to add breaks and classes or to change the classification method.

I attached the feature class so you can try it yourselves.



2 Replies
Emerging Contributor

I'm having the same issue. I want to be able to display points colored based on a category and then create bins for the sizing just like ArcMap allowed. Does anyone know a way to do this? Would writing an expression allow it? Is there a way in ArcPy?

0 Kudos
Regular Contributor

I was the original source of this question and ESRI has stated that as of now, its not possible in PRO, but to add it to ArcGIS Ideas.  Indeed it was already there and there are 100 votes.  I suggest you vote as well!