Hope this makes some sense. Bear with me as I try to explain...
At one point I assigned a custom accelerator in ArcGIS Pro so that Alt+W would activate the Reshape tool. When I went to use this recently, it seemed the behavior had changed from before. I figured perhaps there was a software update between then and now that changed or upgraded something. Anyways, rather than activating Reshape, the new behavior of my Alt+W shortcut was to bring up the following "Selector" command box (I believe this is the proper term) near the selected shape.
I didn't hate this new behavior, but I wanted to see if I could get it back to how I originally intended, to activate Reshape. I checked the Customize the Ribbon menu, and I found this item (screenshot below) assigned Alt+W. I believe the little arrow in the command list is what indicates it's a "Selector" command. The yellow area in this screenshot doesn't show the "Alt+W", but trust me, it was there before, albeit greyed out.
According to the documentation (see https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/get-started/customize-the-ribbon.htm) Selector commands aren't supposed to be assignable to accelerators, and indeed the Assign box is greyed out when Reshape Selector command is highlighted. Maybe through a fluke of a software update, my custom Alt+W Reshape accelerator got relinked somehow from the Reshape tool to this Reshape Selector command, despite this normally being not allowed.
So the assign option being grey meant I could not click to "reset" this assignment, but I was able to remove/overwrite it by assigning Alt+W to something else. I changed it back to the normal Reshape tool I used in the past. (Hence why it's gone in the yellow-highlighted area in my screenshot above)
But the thing is... when I re-assigned and overwrote that command, I believed I would have the option of setting Alt+W back again to this Reshape Selector command box if I wanted. This was before I learned what Selector commands actually were, and that they were not actually allowed as accelerators. Some users in my organization might prefer this Selector command menu to pop up using a shortcut, but alas, the assign option is still grey, and there seems to be no way of getting the accelerator tied back to this Selector command again. Is there any chance I can still do this somehow?