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ArcGIS Pro 3.3.1 Crashes when accessing a layout tab

12 hours ago
Labels (1)
New Contributor III

I'm using ArcGIS Pro 3.3.1. Every time I try to open an APRX that was closed on a layout tab, import a layout.pagx., or double click a layout.pagx to open it ArcPro crashes on me.

I thought it was something to do with accessing my data from a NAS but now it's happening on my local drive.

I'm working with ESRI support and my IT department to help but was wondering if anyone else is having this issue as well. Attached is one of the .pagx's I've tried to open.

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2 Replies
New Contributor III

Have you tried installing Pro 3.3.1 on another machine to see if the same crashing occurs?

Maybe also try uninstalling Pro and then reinstalling again.

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New Contributor III

Hi Mike, both of my colleagues have 3.3.1 installed but are not having the same issue. 

I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling, using the repair installation function, renaming the application profile folders with the classic "_Old", disconnected then reconnected the NAS but still no luck. 

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