ArcGIS Pro 3.0.2: How to read the values of a field in table from other fields in other tables?
For example, in the screenshot below, I wanted to read the value of the “ParcelNumber” field from the “Ref_P” and the “Owner” from the “OwnerName”.
How this can be managed in ArcGIS Pro?
Hi @JamalNUMAN,
You are looking for relates. We need to define the relationship between the layers: Introduction to joins and relates—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
From there, you can access this data from the table menu and in pop-ups: View related data—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
I hope this helps. Please stay safe in Palestine,
- Alycia
Another route is a database view but it requires an Enterprise Geodatabase AND just like a join or relate, requires a common field between the two tables.
If the relationships are 1:1, then you could use multiple joins.
Or, I suppose since joins in ArcGIS Pro are 1:M (not 1:1), you could use joins even if your data isn't 1:1.
Feel free to vote for Virtual Attributes (ad hoc), since that kind of functionality might be helpful in this kind of scenario too.
What I wanted here is a dynamic domain that can read its values from fields in other tables as per the screenshots below. Is that still possible?
On second thought, are you asking for this? Use SDE table as Domain Table
You could use the Table to Domain tool to use the rows from your tables as domains. If you're worried about keeping the domains up to date using your table data, you could run a scheduled task (model or python script) to update your domains using your tables -- on a nightly schedule, or something like that.
ArcGIS Pro Videos —> Table to Domain Geoprocessing Tool