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ArcGIS 10.3 Pro release date?

09-26-2014 01:13 AM
Frequent Contributor



Can anyone confirm when ArcGIS 10.3 and its new addon Pro, are going to be officially released? On the video from the congress, ESRI said it would be during Q3 of this year. I am keen to get my hands on it as Pro appears to have some nice additional functionality, however the most important to me is the multiple layouts.





28 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Nigel,

10.3 is slated for release in November of this year.

Frequent Contributor

They missed November.  Will 10.3 be releave in December or will it be 2015?

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Frequent Contributor

Hi Randy

I have not had any confirmation of when the official release is going to be as my pre-release is still running. Unfortunately I have not had too much more time to play with it.

Perhaps someone from ESRI could let us know what the status is of the official release?


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Frequent Contributor

Hi Jake

Thanks for this info. I am really looking forward to it and hopefully there won't be any delays.

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Frequent Contributor

Hi Nigel,

there's a fairly public Beta program for ArcGIS Pro going on, see

Did you have alook at that?


Frequent Contributor

Hi Martin

Thanks for this very helpful link. I went through to it and it provided the following response:

Developer, Public, Home Use, and trial accounts are not supported.

I don't know what to do from this point. Any ideas?



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Frequent Contributor

Sorry, can't help you there - talk to your local distributor?


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Honored Contributor

What is the story with the prerelease?  That is not normal protocol with Esri.  Are they having issues with getting people to participate in beta?  I keep getting emails from Esri trying to get me to try it but I'm just not comfortable with working with a potentially unstable prerelease. 

Josh White, AICP
Principal Planner

City of Arkansas City
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Frequent Contributor

Hi Josh

I am not sure, however for me, better to release it officially only once it is properly passed all its tests. We don't want a Microsoft on our hands where things get released and then don't work. However, even though my Pre-release has been provided to me for download, I haven't received my Authorization yet...this is something I would have expected to get done at the same time as them making it available to me for download. Now I am waiting as I have installed Pro. Once I have the Authorization, I will let you know whether it bombs out much or not.

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