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Arcade code to specify fill colors

05-13-2024 09:26 AM
Honored Contributor

I would like to be able to specify the fill colors for features using Arcade Scripting

For example I use this script to change color for labels 

var name = $feature.NAME
var scada = $feature.SCADA

var nopen = IIF($feature.NORMALP == 0, " ' ", "")
var ascheme = iif($feature.ASCHEME >"","<CLR green = '255'>" + $feature.ASCHEME + "</CLR>","")

if(scada == 0){return name + nopen + ascheme;}
if(scada == 5){return name + "<CLR green = '255'>" + " * " + "</CLR>"+ nopen + ascheme;}


I would like to use a similar procedure to specify the fill and outline color for symbols

In labels we can use things like BDG


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