Hey everyone!
So I'd like to analyze how much forest, urban elements, water and farmland there is within a 1 km radius from a centroid of an area on a map. I was going to do this "manually" at first, just study a satellite image of the area and draw out polygons for each environmental element within the area and then add their sizes all together in the end to see their total sums.
But, I'm a beginner with ArcGISPro so I wanted to ask if there happens to be a tool in ArcGISPro that can automatically calculate the amount of forest, urban elements etc. within the radius if I have a topographic map or an orthophoto of the area?
Or maybe there is no software that can automatically recognize what is what on a map and doing it yourself is the only way?
Thanks for any and all answers!
It isn't as simple as you might think.
I would keep poking around the map while you have some time reading up on image classification, how to determine a centroid, how to extract data from a classified raster.
Overview of image classification—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation