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Writing CADRG with ArcGIS

01-30-2013 08:16 AM
Status: Open
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Occasional Contributor

CADRG is a raster data format used for military purposes. Its specification was written decades ago, and it had to be compatible with the hardware from this time, which had low performance.
Since military systems have usually a long lifetime, there are still some systems (like moving map systems) which work with CADRG, and that need to be maintained for at least another decade. To provide this systems with updated maps, CADRG maps still has to be generated constantly.
There are a lot CADRG readers, but there are just a few CADRG writers, and the support of this tools is sometimes poor.
ArcGIS is a powerful tool that can handle more and more raster data, and it would be very helpful if it could write CADRG. So that users are still able to produce CADRG, based on proven and supported technology.

by Anonymous User
This continues to be a request I repeatedly receive and it is also one of the things I would have like to have added to the capabilities of the ArcGIS Platform.
I agree, export to CADRG or rpf format is still required. Currently doing this in a round about way but would appreciate doing it right in ArcGIS. Will be needed for quite a while yet!

I can't find much on this and then I ran across this old post. I agree that this is still a needed capability. There are a lot of systems that still require a RPF map background.