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Warning and errors when importing XML workspace and publisching data with CLSID that are not registered/default

04-07-2021 04:07 AM
Status: Open
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Emerging Contributor

When selecting an XML with not registered CLSID's there should be shown a warning: XML workspace contains 6 unregistered class types, are you missing an extension?

When you export these aprx with unknown to an enterprise geodatabase this will result in the following error:

An esri table feature has a fixed Class ID (E.G.) <CLSID>{7A566981-C114-11D2-8A28-006097AFF44E}</CLSID>
A random CLSID is mapped to am extension class. If this is not installed as a service object extension this will generate an error when queryng this record.
The above changes will make it clear what action would be needed.
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