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View user ArcMap

12-11-2017 12:44 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

My company has limited concurrent licences we are always running into problems when sharing them. Someone goes to use a licence and it is being used, next you have to call around to everyone who uses it to see if you can use it.  It would be great to see in ArcAdministator if there was a column that shows you who is using the licenses.  So you don't have to call IT. 

1 Comment

Chris - you can see this in ArcGIS License Server Administrator.  For example, I just set up License Manager on my machine, authorized some desktop licenses, and then in ArcGIS Administrator pointed to my own machine as the license manager so that ArcMap will pull one of the authorizations from there.

After launching ArcMap, I open License Server Administrator on my machine and click View License Usage.

Click on the Checked Out tab, choose which product I'm interested in querying (Desktop Advanced) and I can see that in fact I am the user who checked it out:

You would still need to contact the person who has access to the License Server Administrator application on the License Manager machine, but that person will be able to use the steps above to tell you exactly who is using what you need to use. 

I hope that this info helps.  If you're looking for some other kind of functionality, please provide more details and your use case in the description.
