View GeoPDF Files in ArcMap

07-28-2010 02:56 PM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
New Contributor III

GeoPDF formatted data represents a large and growing source of information. The US Geological Survey is creating all new US Topo products in GeoPDF format and the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency is releasing scanned map products in GeoPDF format.

It would be a great help if ArcMap would be able to display these GeoPDF products ... at least as a background map ... if not exploit their content further.

Yes, we need to be able to access these maps in Arc without buying expensive add-on
Here's the thing. I don't actually care if I can import the PDF. Let's be honest.

What I want to do is bring the specific data FROM the PDF into my ArcVIEW so that I can georeference it OR if it's already georeferenced, then have it show up correctly georeferenced.

Same thing? Not necessarily. Most PDF's I access are Engineering Plans with tons of measurements and other nonsense that is irrelevant to my needs. I just need to put the pretty picture on the parcels correctly georeferenced.

I love ESRI... Thanks for a GREAT product.
Yes, please!
Although most GIS users in my firm access USGS quadrangles as a streaming map service thorugh ArcGIS Online, some of our people need file-based sources for USGS quads for mobile uses, or when sharing data with CAD users.  The best solution would be for USGS to continue to provide DRGs in georeferenced JPG 2000, TIFF or SID files.  But we also need the ability to read and translate GeoPDF content and write it back out in those formats from within ArcGIS.
Long, long overdue.
It would be nice to use the current map products that the USGS is producing, also please work on your smartphone app to read the geopdfs.
The USGS products are extremely important to our CRM program in a National Park.  Using them directly in Arc10 would greatly simplify our lives!
This would be VERY helpful for USG mission RIGHT now.
Would REALLY help to be able to use the historical USGS topo GeoPDFs in ArcMap.  Please make this a priority.
Seems like a no-brainer that the GIS community needs this!