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Vertically resize Python window sections

12-17-2023 05:13 PM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
Esteemed Contributor

ArcGIS Pro 3.2.1:

It would be great if we could vertically resize the sections in the Python window using the mouse:


So that we can have greater control of how much real estate the transcript section gets vs. the prompt section.

Edit: It would also help to be able to manually rearrange the sections, such as dragging the prompt to the top and the transcript to the bottom.

Related: Python Window Sections — Default sizing and position

1 Comment
Status changed to: Closed

The purpose of the Python Window is to run lines of Python code interactively. It is essentially the same experience as running Python interactively from the command line:


But because it is integrated into ArcGIS Pro, you get additional benefits as outlined in the Python Window documentation.

Being an interactive terminal, it is intended to run short commands, which are usually just individual Python statements or expressions. As such, the area where code is entered is intentionally kept to one line but expands if a logical block of code spans more than one line (for example, a function definition, a loop, or a context manager).

In conclusion, the feature you are requesting will not be implemented as it goes against well-established patterns in the development community. 

Good luck on your Python journey!