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Validate selected tools in Model Builder

09-06-2011 03:50 AM
Status: Needs Clarification
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Frequent Contributor

It would be great if you could only validate a selection of tools within a Model. Sometimes you don't need to validate the entire model and only need to validate from a certain point in the model.

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1 Comment
Status changed to: Needs Clarification

We definitely have considered this or the idea of validation on demand. Having said that, partial validation is possible for elements when the downstream tools from the selection are also included in the selection set. Which means if you select tool 2 and have 4 tools after that, validate select will be forced to validate downstream as they are dependent on what happens on tool 2. If we don't do that there are chances that the dependent tool will fail during the run which is OK, but will cost time. 

Can you share a snapshot of your model and if possible show me which part for your test case would make sense to validate partially? This will help us see what is important for your case. 
Thank You!