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Use mouse forward and back in Pro file browse windows

06-02-2024 05:45 PM
Status: Open
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Frequent Contributor

In Windows Explorer you can use forward & back button assignments on a mouse to speed up navigation. 

Please apply this functionality to the file/data browse windows in Pro.


I use the forward/back buttons on my mouse to assist in navigation in windows all the time.  It's extremely efficient to simply go back to a previous folder or forward to the one you just left by just clicking a button.

I would love to see similar functionality in the ArcMap environment applied to the extent history in data or layout view.  So, when you click the 'back' button on the mouse, ArcMap gos to the previous extent.  Similarly, if you click the 'forward' button ArcMap would go to the next extent.


I would still like to see some of this in Pro. I'm very used to using these buttons in web browsers, File Explorer, and so on; in ArcGIS it would be useful for navigation in the catalog or between extents in the map. Maybe with some customization options, too. But right now these buttons don't do anything. I'm able to set it to do things like undo and redo from my Logitech Options app; I had this on for a while, though, and found myself still trying to navigate (and then trying to undo/redo in other apps). Back and forward navigation would be great.


I discovered by accident that the back button will take you back in the GP pane. But that's it. To me, this is nearly equivalent to not supporting the scroll wheel (which, to be certain, Pro does not fully do either). We have the technology to work more quickly and more efficiently; Esri needs to get with the times.


Interesting accidental discovery, the back & forward buttons on the mouse can be used to navigate between map extents, but only with the explore tool active.