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Use value from field in Generate Points Along Lines

04-03-2023 11:51 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Esteemed Contributor

With the Generate Points Along Lines (Data Management) geoprocessing tool, we can use a constant as the Percentage or Distance parameter:

Bud_0-1680547445210.pngHowever, there are times when we want to use varying values from a field/input feature class.

As @ScottFedak2085 said in a related post:

I know I've ran into issues with that GP Tool only being able to apply the same distance or percentage across every feature in a feature class. I've had times where I wanted to utilize a features attributes to vary how points are placed along a given feature. To accomplish this, I've modified the code in Link #1 below utilizing Geometry Objects. It might be worth looking at Geometry Objects and their associated methods (Link #2) when you have a chance, they can be a pretty powerful tool in conducting custom spatial analysis. 

Link #1 -
Link #2 - 

Could the Generate Points Along Lines tool be enhanced so that we can use values from a field? Similar to what we can do with the Buffer tool?
