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Tasks to Text

07-03-2022 12:43 PM
Status: In Product Plan
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

Allow for Tasks to be exported in text format to help the creation of working aids outside of ArcGIS Pro. 

Status changed to: In Product Plan


1. What type of information should be exported? Task group name + description,  task name + description, step name + instructions? Should the actions also be exported?

2. How is the exported information going to be used?

3. Format: based on the use above... would exporting the task to a CSV file be better?



My specific use case scenario would be to use the text for both creating SOPs, as well as creating lesson plans, so the more information the better, if the worst case scenario is that I have to take some things out, that's a lot better than putting stuff in. 

Again, for me specifically, the output format doesn't matter, because my organization has templates for both lesson plans and SOPs, so I woukd have to copy the information into the template better. CSV output might be a bit easier on the eyes than say a Notepad output.