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Table formatting based on a different definition Query

07-28-2022 07:08 AM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
Honored Contributor

What I would like to see as part of a definition query is a separate query that will result in custom formatting of the attribute table. 

As an example.  I have a Look Up Table of Substations and busses for use in matching up Arc flash and grounding data.  As new locations are added to the feed I need to update the LUT with a location number and the data source Join Field. 

What I would like in the LUT after adding the new locations have those rows where the  Location is  Null in the join be highlighted a different color. 

This way I can go through my LUT, which currently has 1200 entries, sort them Alphabetically based on the Name  and easily see those without a Location number.  

Yes, I could definition query out to only show those without a Location or Select by attributes. 

Something like the below image.  In this example I need to add BlackLake_12.47 to the LUT. It is actually the same location as BlackLakeD_69 but just a different voltage.  All I would need to do is transcribe the Location number. 

Status changed to: Needs Clarification

Thanks for submitting this idea @RobertBorchert I think we need some more info to better understand the request.

You refer to an image, but I don't see any image posted. Please add that.

Is the request really about definition queries or about conditional formatting in an attribute table? i.e. If <some condition> then format a cell a certain way? If so, I think that is captured in this idea Please review and provide clarifying details.

Thank you


Hi @RobertBorchert I wanted to check in with you again to see if you can provide any details per my above comment. Please let us know. Thanks!

Status changed to: Closed

Closing this pending clarification. We can reassess the idea once we have answers to the questions asked. Thank you!