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Tab Highlight

07-27-2021 03:13 PM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

I suggest the current tab in use be highlighted in blue instead of the Project tab always being blue.  It would make it much  easier to see what tab is selected. As is, my eye always go straight to the 1st tab (Project tab). 

Tags (1)
Status changed to: In Product Plan

This should be addressed in a future release as part of an overhaul of UI colors and tab design. The new design includes changes to make the currently selected tab stand out more, while subduing the Project tab visually. Thank you for the feedback.

Status changed to: Implemented

As Michael stated, this has been redesigned in ArcGIS Pro 3.0. See Ideas in ArcGIS Pro 3.0  to see this and all of the other ideas you can look forward to when you upgrade.

Also be sure to check out the What's New documentation: