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Summary Statistics — Tie fields to a primary field

01-15-2024 02:51 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Esteemed Contributor

ArcGIS Pro 3.2.1

Using a FGDB table, I want to use the Summary Statistics tool to get the greatest 1 per group (no duplicates). And I want to include all the other original fields from the table in the result.
See: Selecting the most recent records based on unique values in another field

If I understand correctly, I can't do that in a single step using the Summary Statistics tool.

I tried to mock up what I want to do in this screenshot:


In the Summary Statistcs fields section, I want to treat the t_date | Maximum field as the primary field. And I want to tie subsequent fields like t_unique_id | First to that primary field. So that I get the t_unique_id value that corresponds to the t_date | Maximum, not the first t_unique_id for the entire species group.

The result would look like this:


Admittedly, this is hard to explain. This related Oracle SQL video might help: The KEEP clause will KEEP your SQL queries SIMPLE

1 Comment

I’m surprised I didn’t get any questions about this from Esri. Is there anything that’s unclear?