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Streaming option for pixel editor - reclassify region

08-17-2023 10:08 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

It would be great if there was a 'streaming' option for the 'Reclassify Region' tool within Pixel Editor (Image Analyst Extension). At the moment, a mouse click is needed for each vertex whenever a new region is drawn. The ability to stream vertices (similar to the standard editing tool) would greatly increase editing speed where accuracy is not necessary important. This would also significantly reduce hand fatigue if a large amount of work is being undertaken.

Status changed to: Needs Clarification

Hi @LindsayMitchell There is no description for this idea. Can you please provide an explanation and use case for what you're looking for?

Thank you


Thanks @KoryKramer - my original submission had failed to upload, and I think my description was lost somewhere along the way. My update should have resolved this issue.

Status changed to: Open

I see it now. Thank you.