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Show Style File Names alongside Color Ramp Names

01-23-2023 02:02 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

We just recently authored a new Style (.stylx) file that aligns with our organization's standard color guidance, but when our users add it to their ArcGIS Pro projects, they get lost in a very long list of color ramps that includes the default system styles "ArcGIS Styles" and "ColorBrewer". We know it's possible to remove these system styles, but that seems like a very drastic action to take - we don't want to remove these from the list of choices, but we do want to help users understand the source of a given ramp. We noted that it's possible to check a box below the color ramp dropdown to "show names" which helps a little - we updated our style file to give an organization prefix to the name of all of our ramps, which helps distinguish them from the system defaults. But if the author of a style file hasn't done so, there's no way to tell the source of a given ramp. We'd like to request an enhancement that would allow a user to easily see the source of each color ramp in the symbology pane of ArcGIS Pro. This ought to be as simple as adding the name of the style as a prefix or suffix to the name of the ramp when it's showing. We think this would really help users make appropriate color scheme selections.

1 Comment

Adding small icons to distinguish system and user styles would also be a good solution.