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Show specific layer/labeling draw/rendering status like ArcMap

01-26-2024 06:02 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Regular Contributor

It would be helpful to be able to see the specific layer, label, etc. that is being drawn/rendered when navigating and/or refreshing the map. ArcGIS Pro has a spinning icon that indicates that drawing is in progress, but it doesn't show (list) the specific layer, label, etc. that is currently being drawn like ArcMap used to. In ArcMap I found this especially helpful when a map was slow to draw/render. It allowed me to quickly determine which layer(s) and/or label(s) was/were taking so long to draw. If it were a labeling issue, which was often the case, it allowed me to uncheck the offending layer or disable labeling on that specific layer, rather than pause labeling for the entire map if other labels were needed for my current workflow.

1 Comment

You should be able to determine which layer is slow to draw based on what the application is doing by using the diagnostic monitor: