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Semivariogram/Covariance Modeling export data

11-11-2021 09:37 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

Dear Sirs,

In ArcGIS Pro in the Semivariogram/Covariance Modeling window of the Geostatistical Analysis tool, it is not possible to export datasheet of the experimental variogram and of the model, nor the data of the variogram surface. This possibility is present in ArcMap. Have you planned to include this possibility also in ArcGIS Pro in the near future?

Best regards


1 Comment

In ArcGIS Pro the Semivariance/Covariance modelling window of the Geostatistical Wizard does not allow the exportation of the variography and variogram map results. The possibility to export as table or raster the results of the variography (experimental variogram binned values, average values and model, and Variogram/Covariance map etc.) was on the contrary present in ArcMap 10.x (see attached figure). Exportation of this data is very important for further calculation and for a better graphical representation since the copying (right click) of the shown experimental variogram creates a figure with a low resolution.