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Select Type of Default Geodatabase to be Created in All New Projects

03-10-2023 01:58 PM
Status: Under Consideration
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

Allow for the user to select the type of geodatabase to be created by default with all new projects.

Currently a user can select a file geodatabase or mobile geodatabase to be the default for a project AND select a singular geodatabase top be used by ALL projects.

This idea would extend that same choice to the default geodatabase created with every new project (if your project settings are set to create a new geodatabase with every new project).


The natural evolution of this project:

Mobile Geodatabase as Default - Esri Community

Status changed to: Under Consideration

Yes please. My reason is the same as @feralcatcolonist in the linked parent idea, "I'm trying to reduce the number of total files in shared network locations. Utilizing the mobile geodatabase is very attractive because it is a single SQLite file as opposed to the smorgasbord that is the file geodatabase.".

I suspect part of the poor performance we sometimes see on our shared map volume is because the file-gdb format is so "chatty" as one network analyst informed me.


This would be a game changer. We utilize OneDrive heavily and slimming down the number of files tracked would make this much more performant. Also would love to see an option for geopackage as well.




Hi @GIS_Spellblade because you noted you heavily use OneDrive, I just wanted to make sure you were aware of this statement in the system requirements: 

  • Cloud storage services, such as Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive, are not supported unless stated otherwise in the documentation about specific tools and functionality. Learn more about ArcGIS Pro and cloud storage services.

The technical article discusses some of the risks and ways to minimize (though not eliminate) those risks.


@KoryKramerin that article there is a bullet saying "Suggestion: Configure ArcGIS Pro to create projects, geodatabases, and toolboxes in another folder that is not synchronized with OneDrive." but is silent for how that can be done. (Tagged you because there's no feedback link in situ.)

For end users resumably that's via "File >> General >> Options", as in the screenshot in opening post. From an organization's perspective, how to set this as default for new users?


oops, my mistake. The feedback option has been moved from a link-in-page near footer to a flooting button on the right side.


I think for us, OneDrive is far more manageable when it isn't trying to sync the hideously bloated [pseudo]file geodatabase and instead a single SQLite file like geopackage or mobile geodatabase.



>>For end users resumably that's via "File >> General >> Options", as in the screenshot in opening post. From an organization's perspective, how to set this as default for new users?

See Manage application settings

Specifically, project settings