When i use unique value symbology, i can choose to not symbolize all values.
But then i can not graphically select the features that aren't valued/symbolized/visible on the map.
On ArcGIS Desktop it would select all the features, regardless of the symbology.
I can see the purpose of Pro's version, and sometimes it's useful, but sometimes not.
> Please make possible to select all the features in the map window, including those which are not displayed with the layer's symbology.
(the present idea follows this question : https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-pro-questions/select-invisible-features/m-p/1154385/highlight/t...)
Has this issue been resolved yet? I have recently moved from Arc10.8 to ArcPro and not being able to select a polygon that hasn't been assigned a value is a big problem.
I produce maps for pipeline reseeding and the first step is to create a polygon along the pipeline where the Status is "null" so the feature is basically invisible and not showing in the map or legend. I am not able to select the "null" polygon to change its Status to "Vegetated" or split it into multiple sections. Any polygon that has a value and has been symbolized is selectable. Being able to do this was a major part of the workflow in 10.8
We've registered your comment @BeauBergstrom Make sure to document your support for the idea by giving it kudos as well.
Right now if you have a layer with no symbology and need to perform an edit such as moving or editing vertices, the process is overly cumbersome. Even if you disable editing for all other layers and drag a rectangle over the feature on the map, it does not select. One must either temporarily and manually enable symbology in order to select the item, or try to locate each item in the attribute table and select it that way. Only then do the map controls such as the (default) yellow highlight for move and green / red vertices appear.
Surely, it is not always desirable to select features with null symbology for editing, so perhaps there should be some kind of toggle somewhere.
I just updated to 3.3.1, and I'm working with features that have a dashed line symbol. If they are so short that the dash doesn't appear I can't select them from the map because Pro thinks the gap in the dash pattern is no symbol. I'm trying to select these short segments to merge them with other lines, but it's just a pain to find them in the attribute table instead. I also often want no symbology for a feature and I'm only using it to generate a label. Pro is currently not letting me select a dashed line at all if I draw the selection box through a gap, but it is letting me select a line from the map with no symbology, but I can't select a point with no symbology.
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