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Scrolling the attribute table in ArcGIS Pro

07-21-2017 03:30 PM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Regular Contributor

When using the scroll bar in an attribute table in Desktop, one can visually browse all the records as they scroll by, even on large datasets. In Pro, when you scroll the attribute table, you get a blank screen with the word "Scanning...". One has no idea where they are in the long list of records, until they stop scrolling, only to discover they need to scroll further, or they scrolled too far. This is terribly inefficient. The Desktop way to scroll works way better. Please implement this method of scrolling for the attribute tables in Pro.


This is still incorrectly marked as "implemented". Any idea why? The functionality clearly doesn't exist. 


Hi Tom,

I rolled this back to Under Consideration as the table scrolling functionality (or lack thereof) is something that we realize still requires attention.  Implementing the scanning functionality was done to try to provide a performant way of scrolling through a table given the current control that Pro uses.  However, we've heard that this doesn't satisfy the way that you and other users expect scrolling to work, so this is something that will be worked on (I believe in a near-term release).  My understanding is that it will require changing out the underlying table control.  I hope this info helps.





It's good to have a good rant, it shows passion for the subject, I know I have had my fair amount of frustration. But to defend Kory I do feel he is "piggy in the middle", His evil overloads cracking the whip with us wolves clawing away at the front door. Let me at him! I feel the developers behind ArcPro have some other agenda as I agree a lot of the basic functionality was dropped in ArcPro making it unusable for day-today GIS. Yet it had lots of new bells and whistles. With each release they are putting back functionality, my frustration is that they are sometimes putting it back in some non-intuitive way.  What was a slick 1 click in ArcMap is now 2 clicks + a short cut key...I hate it!

I work with tables a lot and this part of ArcPro for me really has been a flop, the whole blank it out and showing "scanning" is useless to me, they have only just put back find. Your frustration only goes to show that tables in ArcPro need a rethink and I think everyone on this thread are thinking (and maybe Kory ), if it only just worked like it did in ArcMap...

But history is just repeating... we went through all this pain from ArcView 3.x to ArcMap 8.0, they dropped multiple views/layouts in a project, for a decade we have had to live with this nutty decision and now they have put it back into ArcPro...It's like "manna from heaven".

So everyone keep ranting; it makes for a good read in these **** times and shows ESRI there are a lot of people out there who want ArcPro to succeed but they should not change for changes sake, look at how ArcMap did it, it did not arrive at that interface by chance.


Miguel Martinez

Thank you for joining the conversation.  After reading your comment, it prompted me to go back through the thread to see if anything I posted was facetious or misguided.  My first comment explains that the implementation of the scanning behavior was for performance reasons.  My subsequent comments with gifs included were meant to be helpful.  I'm sorry if my trying to understand user feedback and provide helpful tips has offended you.

Are you playing the innocent card, or do you really think that the scanning is really preferred by any real GIS user?

I'll respond by saying that I'm not on the software development team.  I look at ideas coming in from users and make sure that they are understandable, and help to convey issues to the appropriate teams.

Whether I think that scanning is preferred by any real GIS user is irrelevant as I do not design the software.  In my comments that have offended you, what I've tried to convey is that there is an existing table control that does not support scrolling - the development team has tried to squeeze as much out of it as they can through scanning, etc. and given the passionate user feedback on this idea/comments, it is clear that the whole thing needs a rework.  That is in the plans.

Are you new to all this?

To GIS?  To software development? To participating in forums?  I suppose that depends on the definition of new, but from the information you've provided, yes, newer than you.

Did you used ArcMap?

Yes.  More than ArcGIS Pro in fact.

Have you ever used Excel???

Yes, almost every day!

Please stop replying to serious posts with your inexperienced comments or suggestion.

I think this ties in to my response to your first assertion about me "playing the innocent" card and Duncan Hornby‌'s observation that perhaps I'm "piggy in the middle."  Sometimes requests that come through the Ideas site aren't always clear.  Sometimes it is helpful for a development team to understand more specifics about exactly what the pain point is.  I hear you that for this particular idea, no, we probably don't need any more information.  It's clear.  We get it.  But note that many of my responses to the community are in the vein of showing how something works, or making sure somebody knows what all of the options are - especially because, as pointed out, some things in Pro are different than in ArcMap.  

So while I have respectfully read your comment, I will also respectfully not stop replying on threads where I feel that I might have something to offer.


Thanks, Miguel.  Yes, I do think that the lockdown has been challenging for people.  I read a story just yesterday about an ice cream shop opening up, and customers screaming at the 17-year old employee because they weren't getting their ice cream fast enough.  People need to get some perspective!  It's a scary reminder that we aren't very far removed from animals.  

For your trivia question, the State of Alaska is customer number 1, but whether that means it was Jack's first customer in 1969... earlier this year at the FedGIS plenary he was telling a story about his first contract, which was with the US Forest Service.  So what would you say is the correct answer?



So I started working in the Puerto Rico Planning Board in 1998. In 1999 I attended my first ESRI UC. Before the conference, I used to go into the ESRI website for different reason, but the main reason was to download additional tools not available in the regular versions. They used to have that in the ESRI website, developer tools for users to download, don't know if that is still available. Anyway, in the ESRI website, they used to have a link to the History of ESRI and the chronology since 1969. And in that chronology, for my surprise, it stated that in "1696, the Puerto Rico Planning Board was the first ESRI customer". ESRI doesn't have that timeline in their website anymore.

So now, when I attended my first ESRI UC in 1999, walking trough the lobby of the San Diego Convention Center, I cross path with Jack! And when I said hello to him, he read my batch, and he said, "You work for the Puerto Rico Planning Board, my first customers!". So I guess that confirms what I read in the website.

Apparently at that moment ESRI was more like an Environmental Consulting firm, and I don't know the story behind the PR Planning Board contracting ESRI back in 1969.

But you know what the coolest thing is? That the PR Planning Board is still an ESRI customer after 51 years!!! I mean, how many companies can said that their fist customer from 51 years ago is still their customer!

Any, ask around to see of you can validate this.



The ArcScript website you use to visit got blitzed  when the forum migrated to this geonet website. It has been replaced by the ESRI code sharing site. There is a long discussion here . One problem is that many of the tools were not migrated to the new platform (a poor decision by ESRI in my opinion) as there are still some useful nuggets created by past users. Jim Barry seems to be the main first point of contact and this thread has a link to an excel sheet listing all the older tools before ArcScript got blitzed. So if you find your self thinking I remember a tool..go to these pages!


Can we get a status update on this @KoryKramer? This remains a real pain point in editing and QAing large attribute tables for all the reasons stated above and in - I don't want to rehash the unpleasantries above but it's mind-boggling that such a simple and important functionality as "be able to visually review a table while scrolling through it" is missing on day one, let alone going on four years after the issue is raised!

Status changed to: In Product Plan

Thanks for the nudge @tbfp The work on this is underway for ArcGIS Pro 2.8 which is currently scheduled for May.  The work will also include

Status changed to: Implemented

Implemented in ArcGIS Pro 2.8.

See Ideas in ArcGIS Pro 2.8 and (6:32) in the video.