Scale Legend Contents Automatically with change in size

12-13-2017 07:26 AM
Status: Open
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Frequent Contributor

In ArcMap if I make a legend bigger or smaller the contents will scale proportionally. This makes it very simple to ensure the legend is legible and in proportion to the rest of the map. In ArcGIS Pro, when I make the legend larger the contents maintain the size they were when the legend was created. They do not automatically scale. I have not found a setting which enables this functionality. You instead must make adjustments to all the various elements within the legend to get them to change size. While this provides much greater control over those elements, it is much more difficult and time consuming. Maybe having a check box to provide the automatic scaling as an option or just make it work like it did in ArcMap. #ArcGIS Pro #Layouts legend management


Holy cow!  I just ran into this issue last week.  My legend not only doesn't change size when I grab a "box handle" and increase it, it only increases the box around the same size legend.  So, I have this big old half-empty box around my little legend.  

Esri needs to make their new software AT LEAST up to par with earlier versions BEFORE they release it and start adding newer functionality.  The easy way of adjusting the box size to adjust the legend size (all text and symbols adjusting relative to each other automatically) has been available in ArcMap as long as I can remember.  To make adjusting legend sizes so clunky in Pro is ridiculous.  

Fix this ESRI!


Is this still unresolved 5 years later?!

by Anonymous User

Please fix this. I run into this issue every day.


Although it is a work around, I would suggest checking out option to convert the legend item to graphics. I found the best time to do this is when you have finalized the layers that will show up in the legend. Then, you can gain more granular control of the legend items if necessary. 

I will say this is not ideal but at least the option to convert to graphics exists until the auto scale functionality is considered by ESRI. 


Looks to be in place at Pro 3.1.1

6 years...speedy!

by Anonymous User

@Danny_Thompson Wait...I'm in Pro 3.1.1....can you share a screenshot of what you see is working?


@Danny_Thompson  and @Anonymous User , I feel like it initially worked for me when Pro was upgraded to the new version as well. However, after some time the behavior reverted back to forcing a change in font size and patch dimensions in the legend frame. Could it be a setting somewhere that I'm not aware of?


Cool. Thanks for the reference, @Danny_Thompson . It does appear to resize, albeit not as automagically as it does/always has in ArcMap.





It seems not much have been changed for the better so far. It's incredible that ArcPro don't even make effort to make this area more user friendly. I work for an organization that have heavy emphasis on legends & labels--& this is exactly THE REASON why I am so hesitant on jumping on board on ArcPro. Instead of speeding things up, it waste us so much time on those "little things".

Everybody knows the best way to work on legends is to convert them into graphics, but even that ArcPro make that exceedingly tedious. For instance I can't believe why the we can't even resize the "rectangle" that carried over from the original legend, it occupy lots of space surrounding the text & make the legends look awkward.

It make me wonder what make ESRI so hostile to that group of users. There are still plenty out there, please make us happy.

Sorry for the rant....