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RSS feed when Esri updates the online help

10-23-2013 02:40 AM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
Esri Contributor

I appreciate Esri is providing me the online help and resources which I can access from anywhere.

The one function I would like Esri to implement is the RSS feed when Esri updates
the online help. 
The RSS feed of any information added or modified could be very helpful for users and appreciated.


I need to back up my idea.

At the ArcGIS 10.1 for Server initial release, its help had the page "Changing the ArcGIS Server Port" describing how to change the default port 6080. Later on, Esri deleted this document from the online help, and the it is no longer supported to change the defualt 6080. I think this is an important information.

Also, though I'm not sure when, Esri added this line on the help.

The Web Adaptor's version must always match the version of its registered ArcGIS Server site.

Don't you think RSS feeds could be very useful for us?

Status changed to: Closed

We currently put a significant effort into using these topics to help you identify what's changed at each release:

- What's New,

- Release notes,

- Issues addressed,

- The What's new blog post

We have carefully considered the idea of expanding that effort to show changes at a more fine-grained level. Doing so would consume resources that would better serve you by expanding our help.