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Rotate polygon fills in Legend to match Data Frame rotation

08-13-2013 03:29 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

If you have a data frame that is rotated, the symbols in the legend for polygons with line and pattern fills don't rotate in the Legend. The solution ESRI suggests is to convert the legend to graphics and individually convert each polygon symbol. Thanks for the time saving suggestion ESRI.



Hi @KoryKramer thank you for following up with me! Your angle alignment suggestion worked for my use case, thank you so much! I am very relieved to know that a reasonable solution exists to this issue. However, the angle alignment property is not obvious if you don't yet know about it, so I think ESRI should consider setting the default so that the map hatching will automatically match its legend unless otherwise specified via angle alignment settings. Thanks again for the tip!