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Refresh Excel data using attribute table refresh button

03-06-2023 09:06 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Esteemed Contributor

ArcGIS Pro 3.1; Excel 365 .XLS

I've added an Excel worksheet to a map. And I've made a subsequent edit to the spreadsheet in Excel.

I want to refresh the data in the attribute table to reflect the edit. As far as I can tell, the only way to refresh the attribute table of the worksheet is to refresh the file in the Catalog pane. Hitting refresh in the attribute table has no effect.

That behavior is unintuitive to me. I would expect the refresh button in the attribute table to refresh the data, similar to how a Catalog refresh works. Similarly, removing the data from the map and re-adding it from Catalog should refresh the data as well, but it currently doesn't.

Could that behavior be changed?



@Bud is this reproducible if your Excel file is saved as csv?



Good question. I did some testing, and the issue is not reproducible when the file is a CSV.

Video of the attribute table refresh button working for CSV:


Esri Case #03282719 - Attribute table refresh button doesn't refresh Excel data

We have reached out to the team who creates the documentation for ArcGIS Pro to modify the description of how tables are refreshed/edited in ArcGIS Pro as it is misleading.

We apologize for the confusion, but the behavior that you are seeing is expected. Please see the information that we received below:

The major difference between the two file types is that CSV is a text file that doesn’t require any driver to access the text file in ArcGIS Pro. Due to the simplicity of text file formats (.txt and .csv), you were able to refresh text file formats by using the refresh button under the Table tab. However, an XLS file is a Microsoft Excel file that requires the Microsoft Access Database Engine driver to access it in ArcGIS Pro. This explains why, after editing an XLS file, it needs to be refreshed directly in the Catalog pane.