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refresh button for attribute table

09-02-2022 07:03 AM
Status: Already Offered
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

I work with geodatabase connection and when an edit is applied to a table/feature (es. new record or new data in a field), it is not visible immediately in the attribute table if it is already opened. I need to close the attribute table of that table/feature and reopen it.

A refresh button in the attribute table can improve the job


The table refresh button like you describe exists in the lower-right corner of the attribute table window in ArcGIS Pro.




Status changed to: Already Offered

There is already a refresh button for the attribute table (as @JesseWickizer points out 🙂 😞


If that doesn't work for you, or if records that you expect to display are not displaying, that should be investigated as an issue outside of an ArcGIS Ideas thread. You could seek help from other community members by using the questions board, or contact technical support. I hope the tip on the table refresh is helpful!



THANK YOU ALL for your answers; I was today years old...

Sometimes as veterans, we miss the COOL updates in software, thanks for bringing it to my attention!