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Raster And Point Cloud Data Indexing GP Tool

03-01-2024 08:36 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

Require ability to simply index raster and point cloud (in LAZ format) content on disk and generate spatial indexes showing extent of content and basic high level metadata such as file name, file path, file size, spatial reference, etc. 

I regularly send raster (SID and GeoTIFF) and point cloud (always in LAZ) data to customers via hard drives. After copying the data down to the drive I like to verify everything is there and also include an index of what is actually on the drive for the customer. Currently I use QT Modeler to do this and I create indexes in both shp and kmz format. Customers receiving the data use a variety of GIS software and shp/kml provides flexibility for communicating the drive contents. 

A mosaic dataset is an overkill for this, and while I could write my own script to do exactly what is needed, it would be much better to have it built into the core product such that if another customer with ArcGIS Pro ran the same indexer I could reasonably expect that we would have the same schemas.  

So what I'd like to see is a simple indexing routine built into the core product, likely as a gp tool, where I can check off to generate data indexes in a variety of common formats FGDB, SHP, KMZ, GeoJSON, etc. I would also beg in supporting this you also add the full set of GDAL/PDAL libraries along with their Python bindings into the core product. That would solve your LAZ reading issues.  Thus to make the indexing tool you'd only need to wrap up GDAL/PDAL commands.

