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Disable or move the "templates not listed" notice, or somehow stop the templates from jumping around so much!

10-25-2022 08:47 AM
Status: Under Consideration
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MVP Esteemed Contributor

This is a minor issue, but one that happens often enough, and is quite irritating. It goes like this:

  1. I open the Create Features pane.
  2. I think that I click on the template I need.
  3. The "Click here to see templates not listed" notice shows up, pushing the entire templates gallery down
  4. My click is at this point registered, so what I thought was a click on a template invariably ends up being a click on the layer header, not the template
  5. The layer header collapses the template group
  6. After the list of templates changes, that notice goes away, shifting everything up
  7. I think click on the layer header to expand it again
  8. The "Click here to see templates not listed" notice shows up again, once more shifting everything down
  9. My click is registered on the template above the layer heading I wanted


The main problem here seems to be that this message goes away and comes back any time the gallery changes, causing the items in the pane to jump around. And for whatever reason, your click only "counts" after the message appears, so if you're a little quick on the draw, you end up clicking the wrong things all the time. And I don't like it when the solution is, essentially, "work slower".

As I said, minor, but seriously annoying.

Suggested solutions:

  1. Let me check a box that says "don't show this again", or else give me the ability to turn the message off entirely.
  2. Put the message at the bottom of the pane so that my contents aren't constantly jumping around
  3. Leave a static space for this message, similarly preventing the contents form shifting



Perhaps this is fixed in Pro 3.x already, but I'm stuck on 2.9.x at the moment. I'd love to hear that this issue is already addressed!

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Status changed to: Under Consideration

I second this. When trying to digitize thousands of features by hand, having the whole list of templates shift down and causing me to click on the template header is incredibly annoying, not to mention seeing it constantly shifting in my peripherals.

I like @jcarlson 's suggestions. 2 is the better solution in my opinion. If the message must absolutely be at the top, then being able to disable the message like in 1 could be great for the duration of a session, or instead of having a blank space like in 3 there could be a message to the effect of "All templates currently displayed".



N.B. The example above is the one currently grinding my gears, but it's far from the only one I've encountered.  I'm also aware that there's more than a little "Man yells at cloud" about this, but The Cloud™ is the new big thing, right?


Because of Pro's design intent to always try to adapt to what you're doing at any given moment, there always seems to be a ton of refreshing & redrawing of UI elements every time I click something.  For example, the notice in the image above: "Click here to see templates not listed."

Nine times in ten, I don't want the unlisted templates.  That's why I have editing turned off for and/or the visibility currently turned off for the layers they reference.  Oftentimes, I'll even type something in that search box to further limit which options come up.

Sure, I can click that little 'X' to make the banner go away.

But every time I collapse or expand an item or generally do anything in that template list, Pro needs to refresh & redraw the whole pane, and the banner comes back, and I have to 'X' it away again.

I just had a case where I was trying to collapse all the groups except the one I was working in and kept accidentally clicking that banner because it would re-appear every time right under my mouse at the top of the pane.  Cue frustration spiral that led to me accidentally clicking that banner even more in my grumpy haste, and making myself even more frustrated.  Rinse, repeat.


For banners like this where there could be understandably very good reasons why you'd want it to be available and/or reminding you, maybe they could be converted to a toggle switch, instead of a dismissable banner?

There's even arguably space for it, where the red mark is on this image:


Barring that, the ability to dismiss these banners with more finality would be definitely welcome.


Perhaps this could be merged with Disable or move the Templates Not Listed notice? I would also love to have the option to turn this notice off. I understand and appreciate the intent, but it's driving me bonkers!


Related, because I didn't find this one until someone directed me to it from my Idea:

To the mods, I don't mind mine being rolled into this one, as it's the same root problem.

I was addressing the problem more broadly with this instance as an example, but I don't expect to get as much traction that way.  I'd be okay with at least addressing this small instance of a larger problem.


On the note of @jcarlson 's actual Idea above, my vote would be for Option 3, 1, or 2—In that order.  I feel like there's already some spare screen real estate to the right of "Favorites" that could be used, or possibly an icon next to the search bar.

I see this as something that would display better as a semi-permanent notification like what you get when you try to run a tool on a Feature Class that has a selection active.


Is there any follow up to this problem?

I've turned off editing on every single layer I can and yet they still show up as Templates Not Listed. Why would I need a template for a layer I'm not editing? 


I'm in favor of "4) all of the above."  The ever changing UI is very problematic for folks who do serious and repeated creation/editing of features.  Has this possibly been included in 3.3.1?


Unfortunately this is still a problem in 3.3.2. And this is only one example of a jumpy/shifty UI. I make dozens of inaccurate clicks/day because something moves after I've already moused over to it. But this "templates not listed" message is the most frequent offender.