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Place layout elements beneath extent indicator

09-27-2022 02:06 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Honored Contributor

I would like to move this scale bar behind the leader lines from my extent indicator:


However, this isn't possible; it seems it wouldn't be possible to put any sort of graphic underneath those lines. The leader lines are controlled by the locator map, the same map that the scale bar is sitting on. If I move the scale bar any lower in my drawing order, it gets hidden.


There's no option to convert to graphics, either:


I'd like to be able to sandwich the bar graphic between my inset map and the leader lines directing you to the inset. It seems that the solution would be treating the extent indicator & leader lines as a separate layout graphic, rearrangeable in the drawing order. Thanks.


I love this idea, thanks for writing it up @wayfaringrob . I have struggled with extent indicators before, trying to get them to not overlap labels or other graphics and also wish we could control the extent indicator and leader lines as a separate layout so I could  choose what layer order it gets.


@Marie_Ducharme  yep, seems the best workaround is to manually recreate a makeshift leader line, line it up as best you can and adjust it whenever you move or resize your map.


Indeed, I often do this. I create my own leader lines as graphics [that way I can segment the line in places and remove some tiny sections, to allow visibility]'s a bit of a pain, as the leader lines need to be tweaked if the extents I usually wait until the maps are almost ready for production before doing this.
