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Option to automatically populate metadata

12-03-2021 07:25 AM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

I would like to see an option in ArcGIS Pro to have some metadata automatically be populated similar to what ArcCatalog does. Some examples of what I am referring to are:

  1. Overview->New Bounding Box (or Resource->Extents->Bounding Box)
  2. Overview->Title
  3. Metadata->Details->File Identifier
  4. Resource->Spatial Reference->Reference System->Dimension
  5. Resource->Spatial Reference->Reference System->Code
  6. Resource->Spatial Reference->Reference System->Code Space
  7. Resource->Spatial Reference->Reference System->Version
  8. Resource->Distribution->Distribution Format->Format Name
  9. Resource->Distribution->Distribution Format->Format Version
  10. Resource->Fields->Entity and Attribute Information
Status changed to: Already Offered

Thank you for submitting this idea @Joshua-Young 

Use the Synchronize button:


There are the following help topics which provide further details:

Thank you!


Thank you @KoryKramer  for the information. However, I am looking for something like the functionality that ArcCatalog has were you can check a box in ArcCatalog Options to have that sync run when you view the metadata.


Thank you for the information on the Synchronize. That helps but I like having the option to have that sync happen automatically. Do I need to change the name of this idea to make it more clear? Also, can you please unmark this as "Already Offered"?


Status changed to: Open

Thanks for the clarification.  The idea is open.


The Synchronize button in ArcGIS Pro 3.1.1 seems to update some items Resource->Extents->Bounding Box such as for feature service items but does not appear to update for other items like web map item  extents. 


Hello @Joshua-Young and @WillyLynch2 ,

Thank you for your feedback.

The goal of this idea was to request the ability for ArcGIS Pro to synchronize an item’s metadata automatically when you view the item’s metadata in the Catalog view. This capability will not be offered in ArcGIS Pro for performance and other considerations (see below). This request is associated with existing Salesforce issues, which have also been closed with the same explanation provided below: BUG-000111922, BUG-000158189, and BUG-000133550.

The Pro Help topic mentioned above indicates the observed behavior is expected: It says “If metadata already exists for the item, it is displayed as-is in the details panel. Its content is not updated automatically for performance reasons.”

As Kory also mentioned, when you need to update the properties recorded in an item’s metadata, click the Synchronize button on the Catalog view’s ribbon. Documentation for this process is available here:

Earlier versions of ArcGIS Pro did have the requested capability. However, it was removed because of performance problems and other data management issues that are especially extreme with enterprise geodatabase data such as the problems described in this user idea: We will not add this capability back to ArcGIS Pro.

The ArcGIS Pro metadata synchronization process updates metadata for local, network, and database items. Properties are not updated in metadata for services and portal items. Bounding boxes are calculated for datasets, but never for maps--in both ArcCatalog and in ArcGIS Pro. The appropriate extent for using a map must be defined manually. A map’s extent changes dynamically as you explore its content, and there is nothing preventing someone from zooming in closer or zooming out farther than appropriate for the data in the map or panning to a location where the data is not visible.

We are closing this issue for the reasons explained above.  We look forward to more of your feedbacks to help improving ArcGIS Pro.

Status changed to: Closed